About Us
About Community Kindness of Eastern Oregon
Our Core Value
“Serve our community through acts of Kindness, Integrity, and Love.”
Because for us, kindness is something the world doesn't have enough of! Giving connects us to others, creating a stronger community and helping build a happier home for everyone. We truly love Eastern Oregon and could think of no better way to show that love than through Kindness.
Serving Our Community
Our mission would mean nothing if we didn't act on it. So, we participate and create programs that we feel benefit the people of Eastern Oregon. These programs let us help so many but more importantly, provide a simple means for you to assist others with your own kindness too. We want to be an example and help you find even the simplest way that you can serve through an act of kindness.
Now Matter How Small
You can perform an act of kindness too, no matter who you are.
“No act of Kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop
One small act of kindness can have a significant impact in someone’s life, from a phone call with an isolated loved one to helping a complete stranger carry their groceries.
We know it’s neither possible, nor realistic, for our small organization to serve everyone or accomplish everything we’d like to, but we will never let that stop us from working to do all that is within our hearts.
Remember, part of our mission is to also provide you, a means to give and show charity also.
Our Story

We don’t really want to spend time talking about ourselves, but we very much believe in all that we do. We, Liz and Grant Meyer, wanted to make as much of a difference as we could in our community, so we created Community Kindness of Eastern Oregon. It takes a lot of time, organization, and hard work. We spent many months looking for a location and then once we found one, many more preparing it. We didn’t wait either, we started working in our community right away. Learn more about What We Do.
Why The British Theme?
Grant is from Elgin, Oregon.
Liz is from Yorkshire England.
They met each other in Manchester England 33 years ago.
For us it made sense to incorporate Liz's nationality and our relationship's history into something else that means so much to us!
Giving and Showing Charity
We want to provide an example and a means for community members like you, to give and show charity. We also want you to know you can do amazing things too. That you’re smart enough, brave enough, and kind enough! We love you. We want to inspire Kindness in all it’s forms. You don’t have to do what we do. The simple act of being kind to one another can have a huge impact on the world.
Not sure what you can do, or where to start? We could always use help, just click the link below to learn more!
How Can I Help my community?